Unbound Bibles Cant Be TakenMy sister in Christ lives her life in faith ? trusting the Word that she has been given.She closes her eyes and thinks on a passage that the Holy Spirit reminded her of just this morning. She smiles and a tear slips down her face. The Promise is more real than the pain.She bends down to her daughter to whisper a verse in her ear and holds her close for a moment in time and waits to hear the verse repeated back to her - just as her mother once waited to hear it from her. She abides in Christ so deeply - trusts so completely, yet has never held a paper Bible in her hand. She doesn't need to - she holds it in her heart.This is what life is like for Christians who live in countries where Bibles are forbidden. Of course in America we have no such restrictions but what if it all changed tomorrow?. What if men in uniforms marched through your neighborhood and confiscated every bible - every Christian book? What if the censors deleted every website that published an online bible?.Do you know your Bible well enough to encourage yourself with the truth day after day? Will you be able to remember the key promises that Christ made to you?.What a tragedy it would be - to have been surrounded with God's Word every day - yet to never have read the whole thing or made time to study the end of the book closely. If you knew that someone would be coming to take your Bible away in 30 days. what would you memorize?.What are you waiting for?."My Son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Keep my commands and you will live guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers write them on the tablet of your heart." - Proverbs 7:1-3. .About the Authors: Kelly McCausey and Sandra Jensen lead the Me Skills Discipleship Community, a private membership website for Christians who wish to enjoy a deeper relationship with Christ. Subscribe for free daily email devotionals at http://www.meskills. com. By: Kelly McCausey
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