Proverb Woman Lives On in the st CenturyHave you ever read about the Proverbs 31 woman and wondered "When did this woman ever sleep?" She was a stay at home mom whose family's needs were her primary tasks (although she did her fair amount of delegating). But in addition to her regular duties, she had her own home-based fashion business and sold real estate on the side! I don't know what her husband did but he sure was a lucky man.Her family was evidence of all the "good seed" she had sown over the years. Her husband was admired in the city and her children loved her and called her blessed. If they were not prospering, they would not be calling her blessed.Not only did she care for her family, she cared about the people who worked for her and also for the "poor and needy". She was always ready with an offering whenever she was called on to give.So many people put the Proverbs 31 woman up on a pedestal as if it is an unattainable goal. But 21st century women are capable of having a prosperous family and business life, just the same way as the Proverb 31 woman did. TO BEGIN, let's call her the Proverb 31 21st century woman. She's a stay at home mom who works from home. She walks by faith and has a healthy fear of the Lord. Fear is defined in this context as "the disposition and attitude of one whose circumstances are guided by trust in God, through the indwelling Spirit of God." (Vine's Expository Dictionary, 1985). The Proverb 31 21st century woman hands everything over to God. She takes the Word literally when it says "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 2 Peter 5:7. She knows that she can trust her husband, her children, her job, her happiness, and her life over to Him. So she does, every day when she spends time in prayer and in His presence.As a result of having reverential fear of God and trust in Him, a Proverb 31 21st century woman now has the favor of God to do anything she puts her hand to. God gives her the power to create wealth and the grace to accomplish all that her heart desires. He gives her the wisdom she needs to plan and solve problems and provides the resources to get it done.The Proverb 31 21st century woman is not just found in the history books. She's not a figment of someone's imagination. Look around; she lives and breaths and works right here in our midst. .Eunice Coughlin is the founder of, a resource for moms of all ages and stages who seek spiritual and physical health and wellness. Find out more about the Proverb 31 21st century woman at http:http://www. By: Eunice Coughlin
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